RPTLEX “Repeat String lexfile”. SIZE: 143 bytes. RPT$: Repeat String This function repeats a specified string any number of times, limited only by available memory. An error will occur if the resulting string is longer than half of available memory. The function does not output the string repeatedly; it creates a new string in memory. SYNTAX: RPT$(string to be repeated, number of times) EXAMPLES: RPT$("-",16) --> ---------------- PRINT RPT$("=",80) --> A line of eighty equal signs (see below) RPT$("This is a test",2) --> This is a testThis is a test RPT$("Hello",0) --> Null string A$=RPT$(CHR$(0),100) --> A$ becomes 100 ASCII zeros GDISP RPT$(CHR$(255),132) --> Display goes completely black A$=A$[1,20]&RPT$(".",20-LEN(A$)) --> Makes A$ 20 long w/ trailing dots ================================================================================ *** RPTLEX *** (31898) File Header (318F1) 52/0B RPT$($,#) (319DA) Next File Header